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RE: Unbottling Turkey Hill Lemonade

in Prison Hooch3 years ago

Awesome! I keep a table of links to tie all related posts together. Here is the table for this recipe. This one in particular was more of a “feeler” round, so I didn’t take or record any specific measurements, but there are videos and text posts walking through the full process and the table gets updated whenever I post a follow up :)


Nice. Definitely need a project like this for when we are hosting some sort of get-together.

My next project is going to be a strawberry lemonade, but I’m going to did many small batches using different yeasts like grocery store bread yeasts, an ale yeast and a wine yeast, possibly more. It’ll be a good one to check out if you’re interesting in creating your own cheap (and sometimes incredibly tasty!) brews. I have high hopes for the bread yeast, but I’ve never tried it - I’ve always been told “there’s a reason bread yeast isn’t ale or wine or cider yeast.” …well soon it will be time to find out! I’ll even be going outside my lazy brewer’s wheelhouse and taking gravity measurements so we can compare them all in terms of ABV.

Anyway, cool stuff coming up, and if you decide to try something I’d love to see your recipe and results at PrisonHooch!

Cool! Thank you very much!

I need to sort out my garage so I have space for this stuff. We moved into a new place and the garage is just storage at the moment. Need to do a little bit of work to get some space going.

I would not try making this stuff in the house as the kids will probably end up messing with it. lol

I have two little ones myself - definitely gotta take extra precautions, you’re definitely not wrong about that!