a1-shroom-spores cross-posted this post in WAX 3 years ago

Investing in Farmer’s World

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


Well, I did it; I finally did it.

After being on the fence about the project, #farmersworld, for the past few months and attempting to figure out how a) the game works and b) play it, I finally found a YT video that helped.

With that said, I took $225 USD of Polymatic and converted it to Wax. I then went to Atomic Hub and bought the three assets/NFT:

  • A Fishing Rod for 168 WAX ($65.94 USD)
  • An Axe for 340 WAX ($133.45 USD)
  • A Farm Plot for 38 WAX ($14.92 USD)

My first strategy for the game is to start growing food on my Farm Plot. The goal is to plant eight corn seeds ASAP. Why? I read corn has the best return (but I'm not 100% sure what that means yet).

To do that, I need prepare or build eight plots on my Farm Plot.

To do that, I need to expend 200 energies per plot. I already manifested one plot without knowing what I was doing yesterday, so I have seven more plots to build.

How do I get there?

First and foremost, I need to create food. You need food to do both a) mine wood and b) prepare a farm plot. A Fishing Rod generates, on average, 5 food items per hour. I then can covert 5 food items to 25 energies per hour. When I use an Axe to mine wood, it consumes 10 energies. All things being equal, I should generate +15 energies per hour. If I consume 200 energies when possible to prepare my Farm Plot for plants, I put this chart together to forecast when I can begin planting food:


My baseline right now is 155 energies:


With my Fishing Rod and Axe working in tandem, I will get to a fully prepared Farm Plot in 86 hours. That means, by next week Tuesday, I should have results from my first week of Farmer's World with plants growing away. We'll see what that means and what the impact is on my investment. Exciting!

Let me know if you are playing too, and if you have a strategy, you'd be willing to share. I plan to document this game's progression as I think (I think), there is enough interest and players involved for the time being. Time will tell, though, as always.


I am completely lost in Farmer's World. It takes ages to do anything, and I don't know if what I am doing is correct. Arrghh... !!!

Let me know how you got on, and what returns you are making for your investement.