My inner child emerges

in The MINIMALIST11 hours ago

If I had to define a day of complete happiness, I would define it as that day when Charlotte's parents give her permission to come to my house. She is four years old and calls me aunt, she calls my parents grandparents. Although we are not really family by blood, we are family because of the love we have for each other.


Charlotte is a very cheerful, witty and intelligent child. When she comes to my house everything turns into joy. I have always liked to share with children, I must confess that I feel more at ease with children than with adults because children are very sincere, there is no filter with them and that is great. For a while I worked as a teacher in a school where the children were between three and five years old, I must admit that although working with children is a very arduous task, the truth is that I had a great time.

We all have our inner child, however, protocol, society and its stigmas have suffocated in many people that inner child and it is too sad because that child is who we really are, political correctness has ruined much of the beautiful spontaneity that characterizes one of the most sublime parts of a human being. Since I can be a child again when Charlotte is here at my house, I enjoy it one hundred percent. She is usually brought one afternoon a week but it is the most beautiful afternoon she spent during the week. She always brings her toys, so we don't stop playing, there comes a point when I get tired because she has too much energy and that's when I tell her we are going to watch cartoons for a little while.


I confess that Charlotte's parents are like my siblings and they feel totally confident to bring her home because they are aware that both my parents and I will take care of her. When she was younger she loved to jump on the bed, it was quite an ordeal because she wanted even a little bit and there was my dad, my mom and I on the edges of the bed to take care of her, we would let her jump for a little while and then we would tell her that she was ok. Even though we were attentive and had her surrounded, we were very scared that she would get hurt. We really tried hard to take good care of her.


The day Charlotte comes home I try not to commit myself to other things to dedicate time only to her because the happiness she transmits to me is priceless and I know she also enjoys it very much because she asks her parents to bring her. How nice it is that we protect our inner child and do not allow her to be forgotten.




All photos are my own, taken with a Realme 7i.


You sure had a great and fun moment with Charlotte. I love children too, so much that I want to play around with them but I get tired quickly when they start troubleshooting 😂

 7 hours ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.