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RE: Are you what you (were) wear?

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

Wow! Sometimes listening to our parents specially our mum's will really bring out the best in us.
Haha, now you have become a fashion designer Because of the wisdom from your mom.
Survey says only 20% of the clothes in our wardrobe are what we actually use and wear.
For me personally I always give clothes that I do not use for I have three other beautiful siblings who are ready to have them not to mention some church mates as well and nieces so I don't really have a problem when it comes to my closet being full of clothes that I do not use.
Grateful if you have lots of clothes and it even stresses you out what and which clothes to wear for a lot of women, ladies now don't even have their own clothes to wear so having the opportunity to give out is such a joy.

Yes, I agree we are what we wear.

 2 years ago  

Survey says only 20% of the clothes in our wardrobe are what we actually use and wear.

I do believe there's some truth in that!

It's a fulfilling feeling when one is able to donate clothes to others in need. For me, it's always like a cleansing of my soul to give away tangible possession:)))