My Regrets

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

My approach to life has been on another level since I embraced minimalist lifestyle. I try my very best to avoid wastage of any kind. I make judious use of what I have and rarely borrow or go into debt to secure anything. This has been a plus to my life in many ways. However, I still have some regrets which I think would have been the other way round if I didn't embrace minimalism.
Probably as a result of years of minimalist lifestyle, I really don't take some things which other consider paramount, seriously. Even though, minimalism does not preach neglect or nonchallance, I don't take some stuff to heart anymore. One of such is celebration. Celebrations are part human living. It does not happen everyday but comes up once in a time. It can come as birthday, anniversary, matriculation, convocation and the likes. As long as we remain on this planet, there will always be a thing to celebrate. I however noticed that the way I celebrate as drastically gone down. I had not done any party for a while. I do consider the money spent on partying a waste. But is it really a waste?
Just last week, I was invited to a wedding anniversary of one my brothers and I was amazed at how he fed hundreds of people and spent his money lavishly. The most amazing thing however was what happened after the wine and dine, the joy in the face of all the attendees and the celebrants was palpable. I also noticed how the attendees were raining prayers on the celebrants for celebrating with them and giving them enough food to eat. Wow! These prayers were more than what money could buy. I regret having most of my celebrations in solemn manners just avoid reckless spending. I regret not felicitating with people in a proper way that would bring joy to everyone's face.
I just had my convocation last week Friday and I nearly not attended because I didn't believe in the ways other were celebrating it. Many went to studio to have a nice studio session, cook food and supply drinks to as many that were present to rejoice with them. As for me, I saw no reason to go to studio. I thought my phone was enough to take snaps. I thought I should use my phone and save the money for something else. I later regretted not going to studio for proper shots. Imagine, those I entrusted with phosnaps did woefully, the pictures didn't come out beautifully. It was so painful that I regretted not hiring a professional photographer like others.

Undoubtedly , minimalist lifestyle is a very good approach but one can take it overboard if care is not taken. I regretted some those great moments I took with levity because, I was trying to cut cost and the likes.
Therefore, I have decided to practice my minimalist lifestyle with moderation. I will always celebrate and make myself happy. I would however try as much as possible to mind my spending and not more than my capacity. Minimalist lifestyle is good but I wish I had done some things differently while I still practice this great lifestyle.

All pictures are mine.

 2 months ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

It's the non borrowing for me.
I avoid that a lot because hey, it brings some restlessness when the time to pay comes and no money to do that

Yesooo, I ensure I don't pass my boundaries

That's good

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Honestly, you are right. It is good and important to spend money when necessary. Because, sometimes, those things just bring you happiness.

Yesoo, I like the phrase, when necessary. God bless you.

Spending money on things that worth it is really essential and it brings some sense of fulfillment to one. Thanks for sharing.