Maybe you keep shouting more, but this time, more of the essential, more of what is really important. I really like being able to read posts like these, because even though we are at diametrically opposite physical distances, it is the same feeling. That someone in America, someone in Australia, someone in Europe has the same feeling of rejection that is acquired over time, to this consumer society, gives me hope and makes me think that there are more of us than sometimes seems to be the case.
A friend tells me that they, the ones who vibrate in a hive mind and are moulded by the system, taking away more and more of their discernment and individuality, are the many, and we, the ones who refuse to go with the flow, are the few.
Perhaps we are not so few 😊
I'd like to think there's more and more of us but all around I see people buying crap they don't need and shrugging as if it doesn't matter.