Farming is the major business my family does, and it assists them in so many ways, it helps to reduce expenses because they get lots of vegetables and other farm produce from their garden.
Then we had a large farm on the outskirts of the village and a little garden around the house where we had some crops like pumpkin vegetables, cucumber, pepper, and many more.
When I adopted minimalism, I thought about what could help me achieve some goals. Yeah, yeah, having a little garden where I can plant some vegetables can really help me, most of the time, I am in my garden looking at my potatoes, waterleaf, and pepper, they look so good.
Fortunately, I got an apartment that has an empty plot just in my backyard and I was happy because I knew I would make good use of that space, I went to speak with my Landlady to get her permission, and she gave me just a little space at the back of my house and I was very happy.
Unfortunately, the soil was rocky type, so it affected my first crops. They didn't do so well, so I had to rethink, I started buying sand mixed with manure in a cement bag, and that helped me to enjoy my garden.
I took time to do research on how to plant crops in the bag, how it works and what I should do, how to water the plants, and when not to water the plants.
Planting in a bag has also helped me to manage my little space with many crops. Last year, I cultivated pumpkin leaves, tomatoes, and onions and pepper, potatoes, and they did very well, just my onions that disappointed me, but I enjoyed other things.
Currently, it is dry season, so I have much to do to help some of those plants survive, I have to water them daily and also chase some little animals that want to invade and eat those plants because they have water.
Despite the dry season, my waterleaf and pumpkin plant are striving hard, I had to look for some iron protectors to lift the pumpkin leaves up because the sand is extremely hot, and that can easily fade them away, with the little water I give to it daily they are looking good and that makes me feel fulfilled and so happy.
I am preparing to cultivate more crops in my little garden if it starts raining. Currently, I have some yams that are ready to be planted, I have bags of sand mixed up with manure, just waiting for the rain to fall and wet the sand.
I have only two bags of sand mixed with manure, so I have to get more sand mixed with manure. I already bought empty bags of cement for the soil, and I have discussed this with Gardner, who will assist me in getting the right soil and mixing it up with the manure, its going to cost me more than 500 hives but I am determined to do it.
I bought a new hoe to make my work easier than before.
Then I also need more crops. This time, I want to try planting garden egg seeds, tho I don't really know how it will turn out, but as a minimalist, I keep on exploring and trying new things; I don't always believe in people's on a particular matter.
So I will have like fifteen bags of soil mixed with manure, then I will plant yam, pepper, pumpkin, cucumber, and garden egg.
My neighbor kept asking me why I invested so much time in those plants, but I explained to her how I enjoyed taking care of those plants and seeing them flourish.
I will give my garden more attention this year and see what I can gain from it, as we progress I will be updating my fellow hivers.
My entry for #kiss blog ideas
All pictures are mine
Having some crops in your own garden is the best idea. You are putting time into the right thing - your neighbors will appreciate it when you share some of your produce with them.
They will definitely understand more when it's time
This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.
Looking good ! Have you got the space for a compost bin ? That way, you can make your own soil for free (eventually - it takes some time !) as well as being able to recycle pieces of plants that are unused and some vegetable off-cuts and peel from the kitchen.
Yea I have a little space left, that's a good idea, I think I will put it into consideration.