Before the day of my paycheck, I had written so much I would be getting with the money even when I wasn't sure of the money I was going to be paid because I had just started working in the establishment a few weeks ago. I had not just written what I was going to buy but I also wrote a list of people I owed and the amount I was meant to pay them.
The total of the amount I owed money sure looked huge and I doubted that I was going to finish paying them off with the paycheck. Good enough, the pay came today and the amount given to me exceeded my expectations, I was able to pay off those I owed and still had a little left over.
I became worried because the little amount remaining was supposed to be for my transportation down to work but because I had planned to get these things I just couldn't get my mind out of it. It affected my physical appearance and even my state of mind because I started calculating and doing opportunity cost, of how I was going to survive if I decide to use the money to get these things.
Immediately, I took the list I had written down about the things I was meant to buy and did a cross-check, then it dawned on me that most of these things I wrote down were things I had just seen on Facebook and loved how beautiful they were and not because I was in actual need of them.

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Although I wasn't happy that I could not buy them because I had no extra cash on me, but I made a mental note to try to go back to my drawing book, so I could avoid spending unnecessarily especially on things that I do not need.
Trying to go back to my drawing book I realized that if I can minimize how I spent money buying things I never needed and just wanted to possess as property because they were either beautiful or because everyone had them, it will help save me from incurring debts for myself and help me save money for important things that I will be needing at a long run.
I would only be going for things I was sure in need of because I realized that most of the items I have especially clothing, I bought because I saw them on someone else and they looked beautiful and I felt I had to get them not because I needed them and I end up having so many clothes on my wardrobe that only existed the day I bought them after that day, I saw no reason buying them.
I can not count the shoes, or dresses I have bought but ended up not even wearing for one day because after buying, I didn't like them anymore.
To have the desire to possess or do something. To wish for something.
To require something because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable. Expressing necessity or obligation.
When living a minimalist lifestyle of simplicity and smartness, we over time know the difference between our wants which has to do with just possessing things because they are beautiful to behold and needs which happen to be essential things that can help aid our living stress-free.
We will realize that there are things we worry ourselves about but could do without them or could substitute for what we have at the moment and when we realize these few tips on our to live on a budget with the things we need, we would encounter our mental and physical freedom in no time.
This is my entry to the #KISS - Blogging Ideas 31
It is very important we know what we really need and what we want. The fact that everyone has it does not mean we must have it too. People quickly run out of money not because they don't receive what is enough but it is because they spend a lot on irrelevant things.
We need to always put things in order of priority, how important and urgent is what I want to get? How does it help me to survive, what will having it save me from. There are many questions we need to ask ourselves before we jump into spending the little resources we have.