in The MINIMALIST6 months ago

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Some essential ideals that have become my daily routine and have ensured my happiness in easy ways include maintaining good physical health through exercise and healthy eating, managing stress through meditation or other relaxation techniques, building positive relationships with family and friends, pursuing meaningful activities or hobbies, setting achievable goals for personal growth or career advancement, being grateful for what one has rather than focusing on what is lacking, and giving back to the community or contributing to a greater cause.
Gratitude: Appreciating what you have and focusing on the positives in your life can lead to greater happiness.

I've learned that grateful people usually go a long way in life. Living life without feeling entitled and showing appreciation for every good deed done to you, no matter how little it is, will make people turn up for you all the time. It's worked for me, and I've never gone a day without showing gratitude for even the smallest acts.

Mindfulness: Being present in the moment and mindful of your thoughts and emotions can help reduce stress and increase overall happiness. By cultivating mindfulness, individuals can develop awareness, reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance their overall well-being. This practice can be incorporated into daily activities such as meditation, mindful walking, eating, and even interactions with others. Embracing mindfulness has led to a more fulfilling lifestyle for me, and it's ensured my happiness on a daily basis.

Kindness: Performing acts of kindness for others can boost your mood and create a sense of fulfillment. There's a certain feeling of accomplishment that comes from being in mind. It takes nothing away from you, makes the world a better place, and, as a bonus, leaves you feeling happy. I do it all the time, every day, and believe me, it always makes me feel happier.

Physical Well-Being: Taking care of your body through exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient rest can improve both your physical and mental health. I know working out is good, and while I'm not big on it for numerous reasons, I try to take care of my body through other means. My skin care, for instance, is one of the many things I don't take for granted about my physical well-being. There's also my eating habits, which I try to make as healthy as I can manage through home-cooked meals. On the issue of my mental health, I make it a point of duty to rest as much as I can and not let anything stress me. When things are out of my control, I don't push them. I protect my mental health as much as I can every waking day, and it's one of the things that guarantees my happiness on a daily basis.

Purpose: Having a sense of purpose and working towards a meaningful life makes me happier each day. I don't have to wake up and feel sad thinking of what to do. I have long since set my goals and ambitions, and I wake up each day with a clear, set task that I commit to all day, which in turn ensures that I stay happy and worry-free.

I'm just going to conclude by saying that you are in charge of your own happiness; do whatever you need to do to secure your happiness unapologetically while bearing in mind that there's only one life and only one you. Cheers!

 6 months ago  

Hey there!

It's great that you took the time to respond to the #KISS blog idea presented by the community.

Untitled design-198.jpg

However, frankly speaking, the content sounds like engineered knowledge, as opposed to something in which an author engages passionately and actively.

The Minimalist community is keen on content that shows the author's personality with energetic excitement, and there's a preference for original photos taken by the author.

We thought it was best to point that out in case you care to improve.

The image and logo belong to millycf1976.

I'll surely do better next time. Thanks for stopping by.

having a sense of purpose is everything