Image by Debby Hudson
Today I am very happy to be able to talk to you about something I love and can enjoy thanks to living a simple life, about the simple things in life to be thankful for. Sometimes, in the midst of our life whether it is simple or not we can be busy and hectic, we can forget how much we have to be thankful for the little things. But these little things are what keep us strong, happy and remind us of the beauty of life. Accepting what I have and not wishing for bigger things has allowed me time and space to see what not everyone sees.
One of the first things I am thankful for are my friends and family. They are always there to support me, to laugh with me, to listen to me when I need to vent. They are my rock and always make me feel safe and loved. I love spending time with them and enjoying the little moments in life, like having dinner together, having a picnic in the park or even in our backyard or just chatting over coffee under a tree.
Another simple thing I'm grateful for is having a roof over my head and a comfortable place to sleep. It may sound obvious, but there are many people in the world who don't have a home or are not fortunate and blessed to have a warm and comfortable bed. Having a home of my own makes me feel secure and grateful for all the comforts that I have around me, which are enough for me and my family.

Image by Roberto Nickson
I am also thankful for the nature that surrounds us. There are so many beautiful and wonderful things we can find in the natural world, there is nothing that fills me with as much joy as living surrounded by it. From birdsong to the sound of running water in a river, there is always something to appreciate. I like to get outdoors and enjoy nature, walking in the woods, swimming in the ocean or just sitting in the garden and enjoying the sun.
Also, I am grateful for the food I have on my table. It may seem like a simple thing, but food is a basic necessity and is not always available to everyone. I love to cook and experiment with new dishes, but I also enjoy simple comfort foods, like a hot soup on a cold day or a good plate of arepa for breakfast.
Another thing I am thankful for is music. Music has the power to make us feel good and bring people together. Listening to a song you love or singing out loud at a concert can be an incredibly exciting experience. I love discovering new artists and exploring different genres of music, I also love dancing and being surrounded by people who love it as much as I do.
Last but not least, I am thankful for my health. Health is one of the most important things in life and although mine is not intact and I have conditions that can be dangerous, I have a stable and controlled health thanks to medications and it is easy to take for granted when everything is going well. But when we get sick or suffer an injury, that's when we really appreciate how important it is to have good health. I do my best to take care of myself, exercise as I can and eat right, to keep my body and mind healthy and strong at my age.

Image by Kampus Production
There are many other simple things in life to be thankful for, such as a good book with practical advice for daily living, a hot cup of tea, a kind smile from a stranger, a sunny day, a night of laughter with friends, and many more. We often overlook these little things, but they are what make us happy and give us a sense of well-being.
It is important to remember that although sometimes things may seem difficult, there is always something to be thankful for. Even in the most difficult times, there may be little things that make us feel better, such as the support of a friend or the fact that we are alive and breathing. Taking the time to reflect on what we have in our life and being grateful for it can make us feel happier and more positive.
Being grateful can also have a positive impact on our surroundings. When we appreciate what we have, we are more willing to help others and be generous. We can be kinder and more compassionate to others, and have a more positive outlook on life in general.
In short, there are many simple things in life to be grateful for. From family and friends to food and music, nature, health and many more. By reflecting on what we have and being grateful for it, we can feel happier, more positive and compassionate. So the next time you feel like things aren't going well, take a moment to appreciate the little things in life and be grateful for them.
These are just so much simple, awesome things to be thankful for, indeed. Moments of reflection do help to focus our minds to tap in on little things that we might neglect.

I enjoyed it 😉 Thanks for your #KISS
lips sealed