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RE: 5 Years Minimalism What Changed?

in The MINIMALIST3 years ago

It's funny that we embraced minimalism right around the same time, although I found my way to it by having everything ripped away. It was one of the most freeing experiences I ever had, realizing that in a blink all that shit I had been hoarding and collecting as some sort of externalization of self worth was just gone... and I didn't miss any of it.

Of course when we make a radical life change that is not congruent with the people we are around, it leads to repulsion. The perfectionist mindset is critical by nature after all and when we direct it externally, it's not hard to see everything we don't like or want in the world and feel a need to fix it, change it, or get rid of it.

I've learned over time that I have to direct that energy inward as it's ultimately a reflection of what I'm feeling about my own life. When I say repulsion, I mean it on an energetic level. It's not like we don't love or care about our families for example, but they may just not be conducive to the life we want, and that's okay. We all have our own paths.

Honestly it's pretty awesome you figured out so early not to let things own you. The Universe has its own perfect timing and we all get what we need when we need it. We all get where we're going when we get there. The more shit that isn't serving us that we let go of, the more room we have for everything we do want and need in our lives. Much love lady.


I can quote everything you said and I couldn't agree more. I always believe that the universe has its own perfect timing for everything. Our task is just living and trying our best to enjoy it.