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RE: A Typical Essentials Shopping Day

I hate shopping period, no big surprise I'm a guy, haha. I defintely try to avoid it during the Holiday season. Large lines and weaving through crowds raises my blood pressure.

It's always good to get what you want and get out without buying unnecessary things. I like Aldi's too simple and small set up, ours usually have 4 aisles I believe. Sometimes I end up getting a few unplanned snacks from there because the prices are favorable. Funny there always in first aisle when you first enter store, haha. Happy Holidays enjoy it across the pond :)

 2 months ago  

I hate shopping period

It's dreadful! #SaysTheReformedShopoholic

I'd love to see the Aldi's in America, although I figure they are pretty much the same internationally.
I know that the average American loves shopping and tend to have big gift exchanges at Christmas. The thought of it alone gives me stress and anxiety.

It's people's mentality that I find most sickening though, as they go around shops like greedy pigs...

Anyways, Happy Holidays to you too:)))

I know that the average American loves shopping and tend to have big gift exchanges at Christmas. The thought of it alone gives me stress and anxiety.

It use to be that way for me when I was younger. Now everyone is older and have families of thier own so the whole get everyone a gift has went to the waste side. No complaints 😁

 2 months ago  

It's good though, cos Christmas is just way too commercialised and here in the UK the crime rate is a lot higher at Christmas.
There are several burglar warnings for people to take extra precautions when leaving their homes on Christmas day.
That's just sad 😏

Yes that is sad that thiefs take the Holidays as opportunity 😔 Recently here thiefs have raided professional athletes homes on game days.

 2 months ago  

Thieves have raided professional athletes' homes on game days.

Yeah, that's been happening here in the UK too, with footballers.
England is better than many places I've lived, but it's not a safe place anymore.
I try to be vigilant but not let it deter me from leaving home though 😁