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RE: The Water Gypsy Cafe Boat Experience

in The MINIMALIST10 months ago

I would love to check out and eat at a place such as this. What a great way to build up relationships with other fellows boaters. A lot can be learned from others that have similar interests. Reminds me a bit of being a former member of a fish and game club that had a club house located right of a lake nearby me. Thinking of singing up again 😊

 10 months ago  

A lot can be learned from others who have similar interests.

Indeed! It makes you realise how similar we all are, and it's a great way to get inspiration from places you never expected it.

Joining clubs can be great too, as it helps to tick the boxes for achieving the social element needed in our lives, and again, we gain and give ideas to each other.

I saw your nice fishing post, but I'll pop over to it and comment there:)))

That's what's great about similarity it can make for some good conversation and broaden our knowledge. Oh yeah Saturday was fun and much needed , I'll see you over on my side, thanks 😁