Greetings to all members of the community, how have you been? The topic for this new #KISS Blogging Idea 78 it felt like falling from the sky –a phrase that we usually say here in my country when something convenient happens– because these last days the weather has been unleashed and if there is one thing that affects my mood, it is precisely this. I'm the kind of person who pays a lot of attention to the weather, in a sense I consider it as an important part of the atmosphere of your life, I don't think it's a very crazy idea considering that in certain countries it is said that people tend to feel very sad due to the predominance of cold weather, while others have tried to establish a connection between the hot weather and passion crimes. It is really interesting to think about how something that goes unnoticed by many because it is simply a constant of life that is present with us at every moment, can affect us so much in ways we can't even imagine.
You would think that having lived all my life where I am right now, I would be used to hot weather by now, but let's be honest, the temperatures we are currently reaching are not normal at all and these heat waves are just awful. Before, having an air conditioner was considered a luxury to cool off, now you could almost say that it has become a necessity to try to cope with the intense heat that we have to go through many days. This negatively impacts the way I would like to live with less energy consumption, but it is difficult when you spend a few hours outside feeling like you are cooking both inside and out. I have talked to friends who don't have air conditioning and they have expressed their desperation to buy one because even in the evenings, when the weather is supposed to be cooler, they don't feel any relief from the heat. That feeling of being constantly hot can wreak havoc on your health, especially emotionally.
It puts me in a bad mood, I'm not going to lie, because in addition to the situation that my country has been going through in relation to the water crisis, it becomes much more difficult to bathe to try to lower the body temperature, not to mention that it would also be ideal to lower the cost of water as this is such an important resource. The distribution of water in Venezuela can be described as disastrous, many families go for months without water reaching their homes, but at the same time when it does arrive, the poor condition of the pipes through which it passes allows it to be wasted in large quantities when it is dumped in the streets. That's why in homes you can find as much water storage as possible, here we have multiple water tanks with which we try to yield water as efficiently as possible. Also, when it rains, we usually collect that water to take advantage of it when the shortage is very strong, which I think is great because it is always good to take advantage of resources that are usually wasted.
And now that I touched on the subject of rain… what are these crazy changes? A few very hot days go by when suddenly a storm breaks out in the middle of nowhere with winds that scare us thinking that a roof might blow off, something very common here. In general, nature is always present with us and I love it, but the problems we have to deal with sometimes complicate our enjoyment of it. These details in our environment can determine not only our mood but the way we live, forcing you to make certain adjustments. I guess you could say that in a sense we should also be grateful because it raises your awareness of issues that for many go unnoticed, you learn to treasure the resources you have at your disposal because you know that tomorrow you might lack them, although it sounds a bit sad, many minimalist practices can come from these difficult situations.

I like to focus on experiences beyond the material, on living the best possible way I can, enjoying quality time with friends and family, because since I realized that time passes without being able to get it back, I know that I should try to focus on the now. The environment where I want to be is one where I find peace and balance, sometimes this is complicated considering that I live in an area where people do not respect the tranquility of others, but I have learned to find ways to find that tranquility in the midst of chaos. I am moving towards a time in my life with more emotional stability and I can feel it every day, what makes me reflect more is that actually my environment hasn't changed too much, what changed was my perspective on it, I guess having been working on myself is paying off more than I initially expected. Little by little those internal changes are also transforming into external changes, placing me for example in places that better combine the lifestyle I want to have, physically active, connecting with nature.
Thank you very much for reading this far, I hope you are well.
The photo is mine, taken from my Redmi Note phone. The GIF was created from a video of my own using the GIFShop application.
Oh tell me about it. People these days do not care whether or not you're trying to maintain some peace and quiet. They do what's best for them and that's it. I would say that is poor cohabitation. Eitherway, it's up to us to find what's best for us. Whether it is open spaces, water bodies or deep forests.
Totally! They are selfish and the worst thing is that they do not realize that to live well in society respect is needed...
I still have hope that they will realize their mistakes, but either way I move on with my life.
You have great standards and I know how sickening it can be when you're trying to maintain it yet people out there make it difficult for you to do so.
On the issue of water, you guys are really going through a lot over there. Does it rain often?
I once watched a video and the setting was in Venezuela. In the video, I saw many water tanks and containers in people's houses and I was wondering what it was used for. Now it's clearer that it's used to store water due to the situation of getting water in your country. I love how you find ways to balance tranquility in the midst of all the chaos. It was lovely reading this.
Depending on the season we can have many rainy days, Venezuela is not a country that has seasons but we do have months that are known to be rainy and stormy, like these we are going through now.
The truth is that here, when there is a water shortage, all available containers are used to store water, from the smallest to the largest, everything works.
I'm glad you liked my post, thanks for taking the time to read it and comment, it's much appreciated. I hope you have a nice day.
Y'all gotta do what you have to do to make sure there is water and this is nothing but wisdom.
Do have a lovely day. Hugs✨
I can imagine the issue of living without enough water.
I once lived in a place where there was water scarcity, the only means to get water was either to go to a well or river. Mehn! It was stressful.
We don't waste water, we treasure it because it's a scarce commodity
Going through these problems teaches you how important water is and how much it is needed on a daily basis, you learn to fully appreciate it.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting.
You're most welcome