It would be impossible to have all these in a narrow boat without proper planning. I haven't boarded one before so I don't know how spacious it is but the (narrow) boat says it all.
The need for hanging items on the boat wall is inevitable just to create more space and avoid noise just as you have explained. I learned a few things and they will be helpful if I ever get to own a boat.
Do you stay at the shore or move about? How do you cope with network?
Not at all 😆 especially if it's under 45 ft long. However, it all depends on the layout, fixtures and amenities.
Atm, I live in a marina, so I am stationary. However, soon we should go cruising towards the midlands of the UK.
I have this Vodafone dongle for the internet supply. There's the occasional blindspot when cruising, and it doesn't work when going through tunnels. Other than that, it's fast and reliable. I got used to using dongles when I lived in the Philippines. The only difference is that this is faster and more reliable.👌
Oh okay... We struggle with the reception here on land not to speak of while on water.
I am certain you will have lots of fun heading towards the Midlands of UK... Looking forward to reading more about your trip.
I know very well how that goes. It's amazing that you still manage to keep up with your blog.
Enjoy the day further:)