in The MINIMALISTlast year

One of the first things that popped into my head immediately I saw the #KISS initiative was the virus of first date impressions.

Knowledge is power and our civilization has come this far because of the amount of knowledge we've been able to accumulate and put to use over the course of our existence as humans.
This one here is from a male perspective.



We've all been there, that situation where someone new catches your interest and you want to get to know each other physically so you both decide on a date to scope out the relationship waters.

The problem and blessing with first dates is that you get an opportunity to form a first impression which most times will be your decision making compass for how that relationship progresses.

Unfortunately first impressions is now more like fake impressions as many people are willing to spend outrageously just to create that fantasy bubble.
I remember many of my friends would go on a first date, spend lavishly and impress the girl even when they're not financially capable.
Some go as far as borrowing just to create the impression that money is not a problem.

But sooner than later tragedy strikes because it gets to a stage where they can't keep up the fake lifestyle. Already the lady has created an image of them with excess funds from the first date and they have to keep up the fake impression or loose face.


Back in school, we had guys who would go to the most expensive restaurants on campus even when there were quite decent ones around.
After spending all they had, they would still come back to beg for something to eat from the guys later on.

I still see the same things playing out today where first dates have become an all or nothing campaign. It's funny because most likely the lady probably wouldn't have minded a less expensive place as long as it was decent.

I'm not a Mr Perfect though, I actually had to learn the hard way. A few years back, I met this lady and the interest grew. The problem was that she was quite older than I was and used to a different set of guys (older men).

Everything was fine, the only difference was in the age department and I was prepared not to let it be an issue.
I wanted to impress her as much as possible, show her I was capable financially and I ended up spending way more than I usually would've on any date. It was way out of my budget and it took awhile to recover back the money.

I later realized she wasn't actually interested in an expensive outing but rather just having a good time out. I was lucky because I later told her the truth and we both laughed it off.

It's cool to want to create a great impression on a date, but there are numerous ways to do that without going past your limit. A great impression shouldn't be an unhealthy obsession.

Here's my entry to this week's #Kiss initiative and I hope y'all had a good read.

Images used are mine


From a girl perspective, it's always best not to create a fake impression or lifestyle. but I am still seeing many do this and to me, sometimes it would mean no 2nd date. Are you still in contact with the lady? she sounds sweet.

Yeah we're still friends up till today.

I totally agree with you. let's keep everything genuine and moderate and not do beyond ourselves.. Beautifully penned @hazmat.

Thanks for the feedback 😊