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RE: Complex Misalignment | KISS #135

in The MINIMALIST4 months ago

I've been on something of a "moderate minimalist" path for a few years now. It seemed so difficult to step away from old "friendships" that were somewhat toxic yet familiar... but a relief once done, and the process gets easier with practice, I find!

As for physical minimalism, I have got rid of quite a lot of stuff. I also find that losing stuff does not bother me so much these days either. Many years ago I also visited Venice and bought a leather eye-mask. It was turquoise, with glitter, and a leather strap. The strap broke long ago. When my daughter was little she sometimes played with it. Then, I wore it to a Halloween party and it was stolen or I lost it in a bar, but the loss of it did not bother me at all. It's time with me was done. 😊༄༄༄