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RE: Simple Feel-Good Moments in Nature

in The MINIMALIST7 months ago

Your boat is so pretty! I forgot. Hadn't seen it in a while.
That does seem like a killer office view. I wanted to say you're lucky, but then I remembered you make your own luck, so maybe you're just smart and brave to have created this lucky beautiful life for yourself <3

 7 months ago  

Thank you 😍
As much as it would be nicer to get one of the longer boats, there's something special about the smaller boats. We can hear people comment all the time when they pass by too.

I remembered you make your own luck

That's so very true.
Sometimes hubby and I say the same that people say, "You're so lucky," not realising the challenges and sacrifices that also come with it.
We have to brace ourselves and remember that at the end of a beautiful day, some random thing could go wrong. I tend to take a deep breath when that happens and remind myself that I have life, I am free, and I am of sound mind - and face the challenges with calmness, clarity and patience:)))