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RE: A Little Life Update

in The MINIMALIST5 months ago

Aaaah the post I've been secretly waiting for <3 I love this. It sounds like you had a wonderful time there and learned a lot.

I learnt that a good yoga teacher needs to maintain a strong presence and show leadership, as yoga teachers are space holders and not space fillers.

This is beautfiul. It's something I often get hung up on when considering a future in yoga (however that may look). Teachers as space holders not space fillers - gotta be one of the loveliest things I've heard in a while and surely translates in other positions that we may hold in this life. But I'm definitely taking that with me.

I'm so happy your experience in Bali proved to be what you hoped for, my dear <3

 5 months ago  

Thank you so much 😍

Yes! That was a revelation for me too.
I do not doubt that you'd be an excellent Yoga teacher, time will tell 🤗

Yes, I finally got my head around to writing a post:)