choosing to love people is something that was influenced by my hunger to not just be happy but also make others happy alongside.Seeing this week’s #kiss it made me smile and curious to know not just what my response will be but what others have to say about it too. When it comes to observing minimalist practices, for me, there is no one thing that it doesn’t apply to. I mean, it’s a lifestyle I practice. Apparently, my current relationships are heavily minimalist influenced. Applying the hacks of minimalist in my relationship with people has made life a lot easier and rewarding for me. Like I wrote about two days ago,

Anything I do these days, I like being intentional about it. I want to be fully aware of my choices, the people around me, those I love, those I’m struggling to love, how I talk, what I say and everything I literally do. There are so many ways I apply minimalist in my relationships and they have been really helpful and amazingly great! I mean, I’m very sure some people sometimes wonder how I do it and I’ll give some credit to the minimalist in me. So, without further ado, let me share with you the ways I apply what I have learnt as a minimalist in my relationships.

One major way I apply minimalist to my relationship is by lowering my expectations. I have expectations, I talk to my friends and partner about it sometimes but I try not to make them feel too anxious just to impress me. I get hurt when they make some mistakes over and over but then, as long as they are willing to learn and do better, it’s all good. I think I can cope. The only high expectations I have when it comes to my relationships with people is for them to be willing to learn and not just think they are always right. It’s only this part of my expectations that I’m not willing to lower too much and that’s because if a person is like that, it’s obvious they are not ready to grow.

Also, I practice minimalism in my relationship in the aspect of avoiding clutter in my mind by always making room to forgive and let go of previous hurt. Life is too short to stay mad at someone I love for too long or even too little. I most times regret it so it’s really of no good use. If we no longer love each other or want each other as friends, we don’t have to fight first, we can just go our separate ways peacefully and wish each other well rather than having time to keep a grudge against them. If I’m mad at those people around me, I tell them what they have done wrong and if possible, I also give them a better way to do things and as long as they are willing to listen, I don’t see any reason why I should not forgive them. And at the very least, I expect the same from myself to them too.

Finally, I try to always make time for those little things we both value as lovers and as friends or even family. I create time to talk to you as often as possible and try to be there for you when you need me and also celebrate with you when you achieve your goals and many more. When I talk with those I love, I don’t mind being vulnerable around them. It’s on them if they share what I share with them with others. I just want to be as honest and open with them. And besides, it’s only a bad person that will say anything I have shared with them to another person with bad intentions. Most times, they were just cut up in the heat of the conversation and that’s normal.

By applying my minimalist lifestyle to my relationships, I try as much as I can to create space for deeper and more meaningful connections. I try to focus on what truly matters in my relationships and that’s the people involved. I make room for healthier communication and also set boundaries that will foster respect between us. And lastly, I try not to stay mad at those I love for too long. If there is a problem, we will talk about it as soon as possible and seek for way out to settle any misunderstandings that may be breeding doubts in our minds.

This is my response to the #kiss and it’s my pleasure sharing it with you.

Thanks for reading through. ❤️

Images used are mine

 3 days ago  

I really appreciate your approach to relationships - it demonstrates great maturity. I agree completely, we don't have to fight, though it's in our human nature and quite tempting to do so, for sure. It's an ego thing, though I imagine if you keep that in control (And also your expectations of someone), it gets progressively easier to oppose that ego-drive to get mean to someone when things are no longer working. Thanks for your lovely response! :)

I agree with you too. Most times, things sound impossible to achieve because somewhere in our minds, it is deeply ingrained that it is impossible and unconsciously, we make most decisions in line with that mindset.

A change of mind is what we need most times. With the right state of mind, everything about your life will improve and even better, it will change.

Thanks for reading and sharing your lovely thoughts too. 🥰

Loving your perspective of life through minimalism.

Sending you Ecency curation votes.😉

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Thank you so much. 🥰

 3 days ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

It’s my pleasure sharing my story. Thanks for having me. 🤗

This is so beautiful. Your minimalist lifestyle to relationships is a good one and no doubt, this would foster a more peaceful life with you and those you love. Maturity is all it takes to do all of these in relationships and to make it work out smoothly.

I haven’t applied a lot of other minimalist lifestyle to my relationships but the few I’m trying to apply have been pretty good and I’m so curious to see how much better things will get when I’m stable with these practices.

Thank you so much, mama, for your contribution. ❤️

Letting go of previous hurt is how we get to move on. Your approach to minimalism is a good one.

That’s right. Thanks for the compliment, Offia. 🥰