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RE: Worry Not For The Morrow

Sometimes, we think that since we advise people about something or teach others about something, that will automatically make us be flawless in those things but that’s not true at all. We telling them those things is because we know what is right and also for them to remind us in those days when we forget. And that’s why, if you have a friend that doesn’t correct you because they also have their flaws, then that friend is one that you need to let go of.

And yes, tomorrow is not certain and every day comes with its own troubles, wins and so on. Things will not always go well for us everyday but we have the assurance that those bad days won’t also stay forever. If we fail today, it might be because there is something huge coming but if we give up because we failed once, we won’t even see that huge something. I’m glad you didn’t let the fact that you couldn’t cover enough bother you for too long and because you didn’t give up, you achieved so much at the end of the day. 🥰


It reminds me of when I advise my friends on different aspects of their lives and find myself teaching and advising myself as well. And you're right, it's those words we speak that serve as reminders later on.

Thank you for this most heartwarming comment, Hopey. For your wishes and the very notion that you understand clearly how much achieving this means as a student. Happy New Month!🥰🫶🏾

Exactly! When we teach others, we learn something for ourselves too, either consciously or unconsciously.

You’re welcome, Jhymi. 🧡
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful piece with us. Happy new month to you too, darling. 🫂🤗

You're totally right. It's so lovely to have you hear. Thank you for finding this insightful. Happy Sunday, Hopey.🥰

You’re welcome and thank you too. 🌹