A simple life, a focused and fulfilled life

Video Pendidikan Contoh Perubahan Reversibel Gaya Kolase Rapi_20250222_094810_0000.jpg

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle brings many benefits, I will tell you how it has benefited me in 3 ways. It has helped me to control stress and anxiety For a long time anxiety has accompanied me and all that it brings with it, emotional and physical discomforts that honestly complicate life a lot, and that worsens a few times more when we adapt to the pace of life of our environment, when we try to keep up with society. When we unnecessarily burden ourselves with everything that others or ourselves have imposed on us and that prevents us from feeling good and focusing on what is most important.

Having a simple life, with a minimalist approach has helped me to control my anxiety, I have learned to get rid of negative thoughts that activate my survival mode, I have learned to get rid of burdens that do not belong to me and also, I live in a house where I have implemented the simple, which helps me a lot, because definitely what is around us, the visual noise or too many things that seems impossible to give an orderly appearance influences us a lot and that I learned by starting to have a more minimalist life.


It helps me to focus on what is most important, there are many things that do not deserve our attention, that distract us from what can benefit us. I can give as an example the excessive use of electronic devices, it has advantages, but it robs us of so much time and makes us live with our heads down, without being able to appreciate the beautiful things around us. Without being able to achieve what fills us as human beings, preventing us from growing, expanding our mind and improving.

Having a minimalist mentality moves us to limit the excessive use of everything that distracts us from what is important, obviously I have not gotten into a bubble, but I have learned to be aware of what I live, appreciate it and enjoy it to the fullest, learn as much as I can and feel, just feel that for me is too valuable. Simple things like that are actually the deepest and most essential and what really fulfill me.


It gives me the freedom to be myself, my moral standards, my principles, what I believe and what I consider right is extremely important to me, I have it very clear and I don't let what others do or don't do, the excessive amount of propaganda, exhibitions or all that everything the world does repeating popular actions don't influence me, don't make me change what I think, or don't make me force myself to do things that I don't consider right.

Those expectations that our close ones or even something a little more distant like the expectations that society sometimes puts on our shoulders pass to a second plane one that I can not see, ceased to be important and one concentrates more on what one considers correct, on what is more important for me personally, this gives us a tremendous freedom, that facility to be oneself without fear, with clear convictions and freedom.



I feel that this is one of the most important things for me, to be able to be free to be me, not to suffer for not being the same as others but to be able to enjoy it, value it and learn from it without what others think affects us or makes us pretend something we are not. Definitely having a minimalist mentality leaves us free of many things and that is something I don't want to change.

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-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Personal photographs, taken with my Huawei p30 Lite Phone.
-Banners designed in Canva Pro.


I'm really glad you found it out, it is a great way of living with those insights

The truth is yes, these are things that we need to learn to have a more peaceful life, I honestly think that there is nothing better than that, to have peace of mind and this is not easily achieved, you have to make efforts and learn. Thanks for stopping by 🤗

 7 days ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

I love the aspect where you have to be yourself and to suffer trying to be someone else or do things just because others are doing same. ❤❤

The truth is to be able to be yourself and get rid of all those imposed burdens is something incredible. But why carry them? There is no reason.

You see how happier you became when you decided to be yourself and limit your expectations, funny enough you can't please everyone so focus on yourself and enjoy less stress and anxiety.

No, in fact it is much easier to disappoint others, the best thing to do is not to place too heavy expectations on others, or to have them loaded ourselves. Although of course I think we can improve for others and change bad attitudes. That is something different.