Less interruptions more connection

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A connection for me, is to have a good relationship with something or someone, but that good relationship goes far beyond something as superficial as tastes or ideas in common, it is like the link that joins the other to form the chain, only that it is irropible. But it does not grow out of nothing, but requires effort, time and above all understanding from both parties and becomes something that causes you a lot of emotional well-being.


The first thing I think of when I talk about connection is friendship, because I have experienced that kind of union, ease of being myself and understanding with friends who became very close, part of me. As close as the link, but not tight but with the freedom to be who you really are. But as I say, I think it is not something that is not born magically, but born of time, knowledge and understanding and basically these things are born of the attention we give to each other, if there is no attention, we know the result.

The excesses for me are like interruptions or obstacles that make it more and more complicated to create connections in life, in fact the concept that many have of connecting today is a little different and they use the word "connect" deliberately. Connecting is undoubtedly creating true and lasting bonds, that make us feel in our bones how special this is, and that is not used in a deliberate way because it is something truly special.


A few days ago I was talking to a friend after a long time without talking to him, because we lost contact several years ago. Among the many things we talked about, he told me that lately it was very difficult for him to make new friends, that no matter how hard he tried, he had not been able to feel in a friendly relationship with the confidence and freedom to be himself or to say what he thought without being judged. I jokingly told him that it was because of his age, since after a certain age it becomes more complicated to make friends.

Obviously it was a joke, age is not an impediment to have a good relationship with someone or to connect with that person in a special way. I believe with total certainty that it is the excess of things, they can be mental, such as prejudices, conflicts, selfishness and all these things that unfortunately can easily invade our mind, which in itself is moldable, that can unconsciously influence us habits that turn our mind into a room full of junk.


But also the excess of other things can make it difficult to make friendships to connect with, like overwork or wanting to have more and more things, make you have no space in your thoughts and in your life for anything deep, in fact there is no time or space for anything else and that is where our personal relationships are, the way we connect with nature or even with ourselves.

Having a minimalist mindset influences this aspect, because it helps you to have a simple life in which importance is given to what is more valuable than possessions or economic positions. And of course having a special connection with someone is much more satisfying than having a lot of money or a house full of high-priced objects.


So the serious answer (all jokes aside) to the difficulty of making friends is all those excesses that have become part of our daily lives and the facilities they can provide. If our life is limited to a screen, where from time to time we answer a message, this will not allow us to connect with anything and we will never again feel that pleasant sensation of having a person with whom to share our deepest thoughts.

On the contrary, having a balanced life, without any kind of excess leaves you the mental freedom to give all your attention to the moments and conversations with your friends, to the nature that surrounds us or to ourselves when we reflect, that is to say that those connections do not exist if we do not allow them to be created.

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-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Personal photographs, taken with my Huawei p30 Lite Phone.
-Banners designed in Canva Pro.

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What a headline... Even better writing

What a nice comment, thank you for your words, it makes me very happy that you liked my publication.

And you've made me a bit peaceful that I was before that.

During one of my tutoring sessions, one of my coursemates talked about how mobile phones had given little to no room for personal physical connections as everyone was always more focused on pressing their phones and keeping up with strangers through pixels. Somehow, i relate it to your post.

Yes, I find it incredible how everything has become pixels, short videos and emojis, it is so difficult to create strong relationships in which the connection is present, if in reality mentally we are not present ourselves.