I chose this week's option "A" because I found it quite profound, because it led me to self-analysis, something that naturally leads to improvement.
What are some of the things you need to shed or leave behind from the past year?
Minimalism is more than just throwing away things you no longer use, but also getting rid of everything that can limit us and forces us to live with some kind of bondage, whether physical or mental. In my case, happily at this point in my life it is not so difficult to throw away my old things or give away what I am not using, but talking about getting rid of habits or feelings or emotions, that is another topic.
Fear, fear and more fear, that accompanied me throughout the year 2024, a difficult year for many, including me, because anxiety did its thing, that fear I noticed how it caused me harm, mainly the fear of change, but not the change of losing or getting rid of things, but fear of change of places, people, situations. This year I was terrified of daring to do things differently, because I was afraid that by doing so, things like those I mentioned would change.
I know very well the importance of getting out of the comfort zone, doing new things to grow as a person and improve, but knowing the theory and putting it into practice are different things and sometimes super complicated to achieve. I know that the comfort zone makes you feel stable sometimes, so comfortable that daring to leave it, to improve is not such an appealing idea, because usually, changes, growth and new things, can lead to complications that usually make you uncomfortable.
But if we think about it, aren't these necessary to be better than we are? Yes, we need a little discomfort to learn new things, to learn to solve, to face, to mature and therefore to acquire knowledge, wisdom and therefore a better life, a freer and lighter life to lead.
This year, due to that fear of things not going well, I missed several opportunities, among them one that I really knew I was going to enjoy a lot. It was a volunteer job in which I would not only do an activity that would contribute to something useful, but in the process I would learn many new things related to construction, electricity and painting techniques, plus I would meet new people with great qualities.
In short, it was a job that I am sure I was going to enjoy and take advantage of a lot, and due to the fear that it would not work out as I expected or perhaps that I would not achieve what was expected of me, I did not dare to do it and at this point, it is too late to sign up. Thinking about this and other missed opportunities this year, makes me a little angry with myself, although I know that instead of anger, I should understand it so I can do something about it.
So, this coming year I want to disorient myself from it, detox from fear, I know it will not be a magical act and that just by saying I want to do it I will achieve it, I know it requires effort and from time to time, dare to do things even with fear, because there are things that you can only overcome by facing them. To let go of fear, to let go of it, even if it is little by little, I know it is too necessary to have that simple life I have been working for.
The fear of change has only been forcing me to live with invisible ties, super heavy loads, which are turning that comfort zone into a place that honestly, being reasonable is not entirely comfortable, because what comfort is there in a place where you can not grow, improve and enjoy in the process?
This coming year I want to learn to have a good relationship with changes, so I can do more things that will help me to acquire knowledge, skills and experiences that in the future when I remember them will make me smile and not regret not having taken advantage of them.
-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Personal photographs, taken with my Huawei p30 Lite Phone.
-Banners designed in Canva Pro.
Man, this is a good one.
Fear is indeed totally crippling, and if we dare to conquer our fear, then that's half the mystery of life solved.
All the best wishes for the coming year:)

I enjoyed it 😉 Thanks for your #KISS
lips sealed
Hahaha I want that half of the mystery solved to go please. Yes, it would be great if it was that easy, but it takes time and effort, still, the first step has already been taken, which is understanding the problem and wanting to solve it, after that, all that's left is to face it.
Sincerely, fear is a strong enemy and we won't achieve anything if we don't confront the fear haunting us down. I usually feel afraid of trying something because I feel it wouldn't work out well, this allowed me stuck in my comfort zone and realizing that on time has given me the strength to dare to do some things I wouldn't have thought to do and thanks to God for the journey so far.
Well I'm glad you were able to deal with the fear and are grateful for what you have achieved thanks to dare to do new things, I want that for myself too. Thanks for stopping by.