I really enjoyed reading you, no doubt adopting a simpler life does not mean that we are stingy as some of your friends say, we simply have a better relationship with money and we have learned to manage it in a more responsible way and not making unnecessary expenses that honestly will not bring us anything positive.
As you mention about your father who always keeps things in case he might need them later, I remembered my mom who finds it difficult to get rid of some things, at home I also grew up surrounded by many objects that prevented from my point of view my parents' house where I lived to look tidy. I think that partly influenced me to adopt a minimalist lifestyle.
Have a great day today, hugs.
Yes, such a lifestyle doesn't mean we are stingy or being selfish - no, we aren't. We are just more responsible handling money and other necessary things than cluttering our lives with the unnecessary.
Yea, there are things we mostly can discard off to keep our homes neater and tidier but do we blame our parents for it? Of course, no. We only learn from them and decide which suits us as we grow.