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RE: Are you a collector or a hoarder

in The MINIMALIST3 months ago

Good morning dear friend @millycf1976

You are quite right when you say that there is a fine line between a collector and an object hoarder

I am not a great collector of things, at some point in my life I have collected magazines that had to do with motorcycle articles, vinyl records, and music CDs

Although these articles do not define a hoarder, I have known people who became compulsive hoarders

I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week

 3 months ago  

Hey @jlufer,

Motorcycle articles, vinyl records, and music CDs

All of these are tempting and remind me of my magazine-collecting days in my early twenties. I had shelves tightly packed with magazines that I just could not seem to get enough of. I've also been through a coin-collecting phase, a clock-collecting phase, and so many more, including some hoarding.
I made a great effort to evaluate my possessions periodically and donate anything that hasn't been used over time.

Thank you and have a lovely week ahead:)))