I must admit that, sometimes, I find it a bit difficult to attend to your prompts, as it seems to me that it is not always possible to adapt minimalism to everything.
If I may, I would like to take this opportunity to propose some options, such as: favorite minimalist writer or work, and so on with painters or cartoonists, musicians, filmmakers, etc.Hello, #TheMinimalist friends. I don't know if I'm getting there in time for #Kiss.

My family has been greatly reduced (a week ago a sister died) and I only have one brother nearby. With him I maintain a cordial relationship, above all, marked by spiritual closeness. He belongs to the RosaCruz order and I am not a professant of a single religion or tendency, since I relate well with several (Catholicism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism) in the general and philosophical sense.
My main relationship is with my partner (not my wife), with whom I have a relationship of many years, based on respect for differences, but also in the conjunction of interests, such as literature (reading and writing) and the sharing of a tasty coffee, a tasty meal or a pleasant evening.
I maintain a permanent relationship with my friends who live in my city, a relationship of many years that lasts in good spirits, because both I, like them, are moderate and respectful people, of great affection. We write to each other almost daily by Whatsapp, and we share, apart from greetings and good wishes, photos, videos and music of common taste.
Likewise, I maintain a similar communication, by other means, with friends who are outside my country, with whom I maintain a relationship of identity and closeness, based on mutual respect and affection. In that group, very broad, are my former university students, with whom I have a relationship, mainly through Facebook; I send them from time to time messages and materials of cultural interest, as that is my line, and I receive from them their gratitude and personal appreciation, always very pleasant.
I would have to emphasize here my constant and committed relationship with the Casa Ramos Sucre, the cultural center that operates in the birthplace of the great Spanish-American poet, born in Cumaná (Venezuela), José Antonio Ramos Sucre. Not only do I meet there with friends of writing and other arts, but I also offer activities such as conferences, forums and workshops.
Finally, my relationship with the neighbors of my building and urbanization. With them, I try to have the best communication based on solidarity and respect, despite the differences, which I try to alleviate based on coexistence.
Thanks for this opportunity, @theminimalist. Greetings.

Years ago (maybe 8 years) i read a book about rosacruz's philosofy. This is the first time i heard about them from other person apart from me. It's not exactly my current interest, but is an interesting anecdote for me.
Was a completly pleasure reading some about you and your relationships. Since i left Hive, i've been around here sometimes, reading some posts and deciding to returning.
Ahora, dejando atrás mi moderado inglés, me alegra conocer un poco más sobre, no sólo un autor, sino un usuario que desde la lejanía estimo y respeto dentro de la comunidad. Saludos, José! Muchos éxitos.
Gracias, apreciado @johannfrare. Agradezco tu comentario. Saludos.
My condolences for your loss. I'm very sorry.
I appreciate you taking the time to contribute! It sounds like you've kept around you those relationships that serve and mean most. :) Well done. As for the suggestions for future prompts, that's a very intriguing idea! Thanks, we'll definitely consider it. Have a lovely day!
I appreciate your visit, comments and receptiveness, as well as your condolences. Best regards, @honeydue.
Esos lazos que has establecido durarán eternamente.
Ya forman parte del pasado, por lo que son inmutables al paso del tiempo, las relaciones son un concepto perpetuo que trasciende al propio razonamiento.
Agradezco tu visita y tan interesante comentario, @neblomax. Las relaciones -familiares, amorosas, amistosas, etc.- trascienden. Saludos.
This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.
Thanks, @minimalistliving. Greetings.
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