A family member saying that you are a lousy dresser when you were young - ouch that's harsh, especially has a kid or young adult.
Your life story in regards to fashion is an interesting one for sure, with highs and lows and everything in between.
I'm not familiar with the seasonal color concept or very much of anything that you said about seasons and warmth and coolness and all that lol, but it is interesting. It's a lot to take in but I'm sure it's a relatively easy concept once you get it and figure it out for yourself.
Hi Leaky, for many years I thought I was just being too sensitive about it but it did strike a chord so your comment confirmed a child would take words like that to heart and do something about it. That motivated me to use summer vacations in high school studying fashion. Even though I later learned I wasn't really keen on pursuing that as a career, I used whatever knowledge learned from that on job tasks many years later.
The seasonal color concept can be confusing but it's a helpful guide for both men and women.
Its awesome that you used the experience in a motivating way. I think that fashion relates to architecture and interior design in many ways though so I could totally see it being useful knowledge even if you were not overly interested in it.