Maintaining the air conditioner, a way to live simple

in The MINIMALISTlast year (edited)


A warm greeting to all who read us, with much affection we are back here with you wishing you and your family to be well and healthy. Today I am going to share with you my opinion about the maintenance of some appliances in the house, and how this helps us to have a simpler and minimalist life. The topic for today is:

Maintaining the air conditioner, a way to live simple.

The air conditioner is one of the appliances that I use the most in my house, especially on hot days. Perp is also one of the most dirty and deteriorates over time, especially because there is a lot of dust in the area where we live, it hits the sun and rain and that affects it to work well and consume more energy.

So, although I am not an expert on the subject, I learned a little to do it myself, because for years I had to spend money hiring technicians and I decided to do a maintenance that is to clean it from time to time, to make sure it works well and last me as long as possible, since these important appliances are not always economical.


Today I disconnected the air from the electric current and disassembled it carefully, with the help of my son-in-law because it is quite heavy. Then, I cleaned the air filter with water and liquid soap, and let it dry in the open air, today it was quite sunny, so it dried very quickly and that made the job easier.

The filter is the part that gets the dirtiest, as it traps dust and other particles from the environment. It was very dirty so it was obstructing the air flow and making the air work harder than necessary, consuming more energy and making a noise that was not allowing me to sleep well.


I then cleaned the other parts with a damp cloth and a soft brush, to remove the dust and dirt that accumulates on the fins. These are the parts that exchange heat with the air, and if they are dirty, they can reduce the efficiency of the device and cause problems such as freezing.


Finally, we put each part, screw and so on in place, to close the air and almost always wait a long time to connect it to the power just in case, and so I test it to verify that it works properly and I have not inadvertently connected something wrong.

I do this maintenance every 6 months, or a little more. But if I notice that the device does not cool well, makes a lot of noise or has some other problem I know I should do a cleaning. With this, I get my air conditioner to work better, consume less energy and last longer.

Do maintenance to my air conditioner is not only a way to take care of my device, but also to take care of the environment and consume as little electricity as possible. In this case I only turn it on when I go to sleep, but being clean consumes much less. Besides that I take care not to spend more than necessary and have as few appliances as possible at home, only the most necessary. Your friends @liliayjuvenal bid you a fond farewell.

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This publication was originally written by me in Spanish and translated with DeepL.


Saludos amigos 🤗 Como están? Que bueno que ustedes mismos le hacen mantenimiento a su aparato 🤓 Eso es un ahorro muy grande. Uno de mis hermanos medio aprendió a hacerlo, pero tiene que buscar a alguien para eso. Sería genial que pudieran usar los threads de InLeo para interactuar con otros usuarios y compartir sus post. Pueden hacer uno hoy si desean 🤗

Hola, gracias por pasar y comentar. Voy a buscar un poco de ayuda para intentarlo, gracias por la invitación.