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RE: Are you a collector or a hoarder

in The MINIMALIST3 months ago

😄 There's definitely a clear line between a hoarder and a collector. A hoarder would have a lot more things and they tend to buy it on a impulse despite having the same thing and even the same type of item. Like for me, I collect books and I don't buy them just because, I am being quite intentional about the content of the book too 😄

 3 months ago  

They tend to buy it on impulse despite having the same thing and even the same type of item.

The worst thing for me is when someone purchases a gift for me that's almost identical to something they've seen me with... on the premise that I'll like it 😆

I collect books and I don't buy them just because, I am being quite intentional about the content of the book too.

Sometimes I wish I had space for books because I prefer hard copies over digital, but I just have to make do:)))