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RE: A Typical Essentials Shopping Day

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

😂 I typically avoid going anywhere near Christmas, it's always a shopping chaos. I learned my lesson well hehe so I tend to stock up until it's the first of December. I can resonate with how fun shopping can be and Happy Monday!

 2 months ago  

Hehe!😆 It's funny to watch people in the aisles contemplating buying trash that they would never do normally. However, what irks me is their piggish mentality and how rude they are to other customers.
Have a happy week ahead:)))

🤣 Me too! like chill, it's not like they'd run out of it. So yeah that's why I avoid it like plague. Sometimes they even go further pushing you around just for some useless stuff they'd want to buy

 2 months ago  

100% The old ladies are the worst!

I once saw an old lady in Woolworths at easter pick up the last of a specific brand of chocolate egg and another old lady swiftly snatched it from her and ambled off leaving the first old lady looking bemused and pissed off. She wasn't too sprightly either so she was never going to give chase. I stood there in shock

 2 months ago  

You can encounter some disgraceful old ladies.
One attempted to jump the queue at Poundland, I didn't even look at her, I just stepped forward. She got frustrated and went to the self-checkout.
I would have been so happy to let her go before me if she was civil, but not a chance on that day.

I'm actually chuckling cos I can picture that scene in my head. I know you well

 2 months ago  

I adore old ladies, not old dragons!

I held the door for one the other day and she could not stop blushing and was so polite... the way old ladies should be.