Mindfulness in the Little Things

in The MINIMALIST4 days ago


When I was a bit younger, I remember I never cared about anything mindfulness, mom would always complain about me not caring about my environment or doing things quietly or calmly. It is believed that girls have to be very mindful of things they do and how they behave. So while growing up I was trying to do things as I should.

For long, I used to think real mindfulness was something structured,something you had to set time aside for, like meditation or yoga. I always imagined it to be something that required a peaceful space, dedicated routine and constitutes to complete stillness, and I'm not the still routine person.
But as I started learning and embracing more minimalist lifestyle I realized that mindfulness is not separate from daily life.

And mindfulness involves being aware of little things even as little as the food we eat. I remember when used to rush through my meals every time and parents would always tell me to take it easy. Soon I realized though that I was barely registering the taste of my food, I was eating as though it was a chore to to check off my list.


So I knew that wasn't being mindful. Though I didn't make much effort to change this but I did found myself sitting down with a simple meal made by my mom and instead of mindlessly swallowing, I slowed down. I noticed the warmth of the food in my mouth, the mix of flavors, and there I grew to really appreciate my mom's cooking. I even learn how to cook myself so I can mindfully combine the flavors myself and make a wonderful taste. Also the fruits I eat started to taste better because of mindfulness, I care about the deep flavors of the fruit and slowly enjoy them.

So yes, mindfulness isn’t just about deep breathing or guided meditations. It is about being fully present in the smallest experiences even the ones we live everyday.

I believe minimalism and mindfulness naturally go hand in hand. When there is less clutter , both physically and mentally, ir is easier to be mindful and to be in the present moment.


I am so glad I learnt mindfulness, it has helped me even to appreciate the little things in nature, The cool breeze in a windy day, the brightness of sunlight, the beauty of sunset, the sound of rain, the plants, the animals, I've come to appreciate that every creature has its own worth.
It’s all about tuning in to the world and not rushing though on things.

As I said earlier, mindfulness I believe doesn't have to be grand neither does it require a special training. Mindfulness is in the everyday! Life feels richer and fuller when we are really present.

The #mindfulmonday contest is an interesting one and this has been my participation. If you want to participate too I'll leave the link below:

Mindfulmonday March 3-10

Thank you all for you time here! 🤗


Yes, rather than just chewing and swallowing, it's good to appreciate the taste of food or fruit we eat. It makes the the experience unforgettable

Munch to delight

That's the truth, thanks for acknowledging that

 4 days ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

I'm a slow eater because I love to savour every moment from chewing, to tasting then to swallowing. As a foodie, I do not believe that food is meant to be rushed. Glad you finally got the drift 😊