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in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

though I believe smart watches have some mechanisms to measure, but I am not a big fan of these gadgets. And more ever, there is no medicine that can prevent our stress

whenever you feel stressed, take pause, sit down, close your right nostril(surya nadi needs to be closed), and try breathing in and out through your left nostril(chandra naadi), do this for 5 mins, and you will feel relaxed.

Most of our stressful life has a direct bearing on how breathe. Humans have totally forgotten the importance of deep breathing. Slow and deep; that's the way to sustain a calm posture and a deep and fine-tuning of our psychological state. I have experimented on this for more than 3 years.

Tell your kids to focus on their breathing at least 5-10 mins a day and every day. You will see miracle in their memory power Sir. When we meditate on some object, that may not work, because that may not be directly associated with our life, but breathing is indispensable for our spontaneous moment of living. That is why breathing is more lively than any other thing. That is what Buddha is saying(Anapaan smriti), focus on breathing, take it deep, make it slow, make it a habitual disposition, and see the miracle in your life.

In today's world, perfection is over kill, because there are so many things

Perfection is a false consciousness of our psychology. A perfect world does not exist.

She is the one who drags me, and I can say, it is for good for all of us - I thank her often for that.

Lucky you. A happy family, a blessed family. God bless you.

Thank you.

Jai Jagannath


do this for 5 mins, and you will feel relaxed.

I will definitely try this.

Sure Sir.

Do share if you have any other breathing techniques.

Sure Sir.

Real meditation is living in the present moment. To test that use the "wall clock" technique

I hope you have a wall clock. Just watch it consciously for 1 minute. also tell your kids to watch it consciously for 1 min. After min, try to note down what are the different thoughts that engulfed your minds during that 1 min period. When you start observing your thoughts, become a witness of your thoughts, your thoughts will begin to disappear. I am sure some different thoughts must have erupted during that 1 min time. If no thoughts engulfed your mind, you managed to consciously see the min hand, second hand completing that 1 min, then congrats you have already achieved a certain state of meditation.

Put simply, we should be completely absorbed in a particular task when we are engaged with it. That can not happen when random thoughts are erupting. If we are conscious of what we are doing at any given moment, then thoughts can not invade our minds. The point is that if we are eating we should be eating only no other thoughts. This habit will be generated when you start from breathing techniques. Because breathing is connected to our mind and thought process. Just observe when you go for deep breathing, you will feel kind of cool, calm and relaxed state, and you are not engrossed with random thoughts.

To testify this I remind you what is state when you are sleeping. When we begin to sleep, every one of us have different kind of breathing, that is deeper, some people also snore, and during that time we sleep. That means deep breathing is making us relaxed and we have been doing this every day. The only difference is that we are doing it unconsciously at night. Now if we begin to do this consciously then also we will feel that kind of relaxation even when we are engaged with our daily routines.

That is how it should be, if random thoughts start disappearing and not engulfing your mind your psychological state will outperform, for students their memory will rapidly rise. That is how Vivekanand also developed sharp memory power. Everything is connected to breathing. Fix your breathing, you will be home.

Jai Jagannath.

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