Awesome article 🙌
I agree with you about the little distractions.
Over time I realised that it's not all OCD (well, c,d, o) as I like to call it. It saves you time when you are organised. Having the kitchen counter and sink clear is one household practice that I like. As far as I am concerned, there are only two things to do with dirty utensils: wash them or throw them away. Then clear the space, in preparation for the next meal. I HATE cleaning and cleaning right before I start preparing and cooking a meal. I will break items, not by intention, but my mind does not accept having to do those tasks at that time.Hello @discoveringarni,
In general, life is about creating space. Something it took me a long while to realise. In yoga classes, the teacher is always saying 'it's all about creating space in our bodies."
When I took that approach off the mat and applied it to my life overall, I felt better.
I am drafting a post, that I connect with this on the levels of how our work-life, duties, and responsibilities can filter into our personal lives and change us.
I thank you for sharing these ideas with us.
PS. That TV cabinet is so refreshing to look at. I struggle to focus and watch television especially if anything is distracting around it. In your living room, I think I could focus on the screen, with such organisation.
Hi Camille,
Thank you, I'm glad we decided to take this one with us to our current home. I will share furniture stories next time of the treasured items we had lost in the typhoon.
Haha, yes wash them or throw them away. That's something I remember clearly well, you always had a clean kitchen counter and floors. Everywhere in fact. I do follow your tip on carrots preservation whenever we purchased more than planned. Looking forward to reading your views and experiences on the connections and minimalism's impact on work-life duties and responsibilities. Happy Tuesday!