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RE: Steps towards Minimalism

in The MINIMALIST3 years ago

Hello @laviesm, I've enjoyed reading your post, and agree that Marie Kindo's philosophy has played an instrumental part in many persons'journeys towards minimalism.
I like the points that you have mentioned, and also believe that mrprofessor has an excellent approach and idea to living and making minimalism work in our life.
Decluttering of the mind for me is vital; one of the most important steps to be conscious of on this journey.
I thank you for stopping by, it's a pleasure to have you:)


Wouldn't have it any other way.. Thinking about it de-cluttering one's mind will lead someone to figure out what's really important to them. Hope our efforts towards this lifestyle become fruitful this year! Thank you for coming by and leaving some good vibes to my post.

Stop buying, start saving to travel.
What i do.

 3 years ago  

You're very welocme. I admire your journey:)