Hello Mac,
Really nice article and I am hoping to see more articles like this I will do a similar one as a post prompt. It is so very important for people to realise that yes, minimalism comes in many forms, which start from the mindset.
I hate to think that people actually go out to spend a lot of money to have a minimalistic "look" when inside they crave so much more.
Also, it differs from poverty, because many people who cannot afford materialistic things, crave and have that strong desire to do so with the idea that they would be happier.
I like your suggestions of what to pack. It all makes so much sense.
It's always great to read your posts :)
We need more minimalistic article here. I wanna learn more from people because I think some other people have interesting ways to lead their minimalistic life which I am very keen to know. It's bad to be honest when there are crafted expensive look just be called a "minimalist" and it seems like some people do that just because the aesthetic and not because what it actually offers. Anyhow, I am also happy that you're also checking my stuff. So, it's mtual!