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RE: The Bin Drama of SugarGum Drive**

in The MINIMALIST7 months ago

I like responsible garbage disposal, and this made me think of my mum in Jamaica. She's particular about her garbage and you need to place the right thing, the right way, in her bins. There's always a newspaper at the bottom, too.

So, I'm annoyed by your mum's neighbour from miles away. She should NOT get away with that abuse on your mother.

I hope someone will do something about your mum's neighbour because that's undue stress that I think elderly people should not endure.

My mother-in-law got a reprimanding letter from the local council here in the UK, accusing her of not abiding by garbage rules. She was livid and claimed that people place items in her bin after she puts them out for collection. I haven't heard her ranting about it recently because she no longer puts out the bin, and just leaves the garbage bag tied up:)


I think my Mum would be furious at being called elderly as well 😜😂😂😂😂 She's pretty spritely for 74.

Sounds like your Mum is as particular as mine. As Mum says it's not that hard!

Do they still collect your mother in laws rubbish even if it's just a garbage bag? I couldn't believe the rubbish only gets collected once a month in my mother in laws village in Somerset. But I guess that encourages people to use less waste.

 7 months ago  

The rubbish only gets collected once a month in my mother-in-law's village in Somerset.

Something sounds wrong there! In all other communities/cities that I know, they collect regular garbage and recycling weekly, and I think they might collect shrubs and green waste every 2 weeks.

Haha! I get that, my mum is 77 and she's a spring chicken who refuses to be called a senior citizen 😆... so my apology for 'insulting' your mum 🙏

Hahah no worries, lmao. I am sure we'll be annoyed when the time comes. My Dad was furious that the doctors were outside the ward talking about him. 'That's what happens with the elderly' they said. He was furious!

 7 months ago  

Yes, we will be.
In the Philippines, a young freelance Diving Instructor referred to me and another instructor as 'the older ladies' in their 40s. We took it lightly but threatened not to give him any more jobs 😡😆