in The MINIMALIST2 months ago
Countdown terminated on Jan 13, 2025, 8:00 PM


Hey, All Minimalists,

Our #MindfulMonday theme is now active!

We've expanded it over the entire week to allow more time for you to share your relevant story.

Mindful Monday, huh?

Yes, a lot of people talk about mindfulness, mindful living, eating, etc. So we're aware there are a lot of personal definitions of mindfulness out there. We want to know more about yours.

If you ask us, mindfulness can mean meditating and practicing yoga, but it can also mean listening to your breath when life gets chaotic. It can mean remembering to chew your food, not just swallow it. It can mean anything because it's a personal definition relating to your personal experience.

So, how does mindfulness fit into your life as a minimalist? Do you cultivate a weekly mindfulness practice, or play it by ear? Perhaps you've had a revelation relating to mindfulness recently and would like to talk about that.

Maybe it's something you're trying to integrate into your minimalist lifestyle but are finding it hard. Here's an opportunity to share about your difficulties.

Since minimalism is a way to practice and encourage a more conscious, aware style of living, it has a strong relationship to mindfulness. For some of us, just the practice of minimalism alone invites mindfulness into our lives by stripping away unnecessary distractions.

So maybe you want to tell us about how embracing the minimalist lifestyle has made more room for peaceful living.

Participation Guidelines

We are (as you can probably tell) a pretty live-and-let-live community around here. However, we have a couple of minor rules to promote healthy engagement.


So, with these pointers in mind, why not be creative?

Can you speak from the heart and make an effort by presenting original quality photos that relate to your story and that have never been posted on the blockchain before?

If yes, we'd be happy to hear from you. :)
If not, Foxtrot Oscar! 🤗

Also, please observe our general community rules.

The Minimalist Community Rules-3.jpg

The photos belong to millycf1976 and were both manipulated using Canva

Countdown terminated on Jan 13, 2025, 8:00 PM

Great topic, thanks for providing it, I already have my post ready to share my opinion with you. I wish you can continue to do a wonderful job, full of creative ideas that help us grow 💓.