in The MINIMALIST8 days ago
Authored by @millycf1976
Countdown terminated on Feb 6, 2025, 8:00 PM


Hey, All Minimalists,

Our #TransformationThursday theme is now active!

We've expanded it over the entire week to allow more time for you to share your relevant story.

Transformation Thursday, sounds good eh?

Yes, change is the only constant that we can rely on in this life. Which is at once both the most thrilling and the most terrifying concept out there.

For #TransformationThursday, be warned, we're taking it quite literally. We want to know what you are doing to re-orient, re-organize and re-prioritize. Going through periodical reassessments is crucial for minimalists. It allows us to determine what we need to let go of and hang on to. Both physically, and mentally.

From items no longer in use that are only cluttering up your home, to memories, relationships, gripes and other emotional and mental hang-ups that are keeping you stuck... it's time to let go.

Ask yourself which part of your human experience is in dire need of transformation. And how is your minimalist practice helping (or hindering) you? The truth of it is, that most of us have a rough idea of that answer. Again, for some, it can be extremely practical (i.e. I need a new broom), or it can be far more veiled and nuanced. What part of your life needs a reset?

And how does the minimalist ethos apply to this transitory period in your journey?

Participation Guidelines

We are (as you can probably tell) a pretty live-and-let-live community around here. However, we do have a couple of minor rules, to promote healthy engagement.

GUIDELINES Transformation Thursday.jpg

So, with these pointers in mind, why not be creative?

Can you speak from the heart and make an effort by presenting original quality photos that relate to your story and that have never been posted on the blockchain before?

If yes, we'd be happy to hear from you. :)
If not, Foxtrot Oscar! 🤗

Also, please observe our general community rules.

The Minimalist Community Rules-3.jpg

The photos belong to millycf1976 and were both manipulated using Canva

Countdown terminated on Feb 6, 2025, 8:00 PM

Conscious evaluation is essential to advance along a smooth path without any necessary obstacles. Of course, evaluating ourselves is the first step, the second is to act in accordance with what we realized we need to work on.

Thank you very much for inviting us every week to express ourselves in order to establish priorities and let go of the burdens that hinder our lives.

You are very much loved 💫 🌻