I missed this one =/ But there's no problem, as your post appeared just as I needed it the most.
"Keep your mind free from the thought of gain and loss, and you will be free and at ease at all times."
I needed this quote. I'm struggling to sell a bunch of stuff for refusing to lower the prices to rock bottom; I need to let go and stop thinking I'm losing on my sales.
"Being anxious and worrisome is useless. Being mindful and focused is a must."
This struck me the hardest. I'm getting old. And the older I get, the less I want to adventure out there solo, which makes me anxious. I know I'll be safe, as I always been, but there's always this bad thought lurking inside my mind.
As they say, better late than never...I'm glad you found my post:)Hello @mrprofessor,
Maybe you should hold on to those possessions just a little bit longer (without thinking of loss or gain) and then you might find what the true value of those items is to you.
Probably you'll find that they have such little personal value, and you actually give them away for free. OR, you might find that they have way more value to you personally... and the right time, person, and chance will present itself and you will get the ideal asking price.
Your second point; I think admitting that is courage in itself, so maybe you are fine to continue venturing solo for sometime longer. Everything will fall into place.
In other words, you just might meet that special person to be your companion.
You appear to be more mindful than you realise:)
Yeah. I've always been the kind of tough "I can do it all by myself." And for most of my life that worked. Anyways. I found nobody to go out camping in a remote area tomorrow, which is perfectly fine. But my mom always bugs my mind with her mom's protection, making me anxious. Argh. I'll go anyway, but don't like leaving her worried. Thanks for listening, means a lot.
And on your end? How's everything? Summer is going your way soon!
I totally get that...sometimes it's other people that cause us to become anxious and worrisome, but she is your mom so that's understandable.
Spring is in the air for sure, but the weather is still bipolar. We're in Llangollen Wales, and there are stunning views every where. Just drastic weather changes constantly...all is good though:)
It wouldn't be Wales after all hhahahaha