Kiss 152: Have a million friends?

in The MINIMALIST7 days ago (edited)

Image from my personal gallery

Have a million friends?

There is a famous song by Brazilian singer Roberto Carlos that says: “I want to have a million friends so I can sing louder”. And although the lyrics of the song speak of the need to unite to make a better world, it is also true that today we live in a world in which success is measured by the number of followers, views and the number of friends or acquaintances we can “accumulate” on social networks. Although no one has said that those acquaintances are strangers to us.

Since I was a child, the idea of putting quality over quantity has prevailed in me, and that philosophy also carries over to personal relationships.

That is why I have had few friends since I was young, but the ones I have are worth gold. They are 5 or 6 people with whom I can be myself, without complexes, without shame of anything. They are people in whom nudity is not about the body, but about the soul. I don't want to say that they are people just like me, because that's a lie, but we accept our differences and even value them.

Certainly, I am an extroverted and adventurous person, and that makes you think that my circle of friends can be very wide, but no: I haven't had any new friends for a long time, because the ones I have are already enough.

Of course, the best of good friendships, the true ones, those that have time, just like trees that have strong roots, do not need you to be on top of them to let them know that one is always there for the other, despite the distance or lack of communication. In my case, there are no reproaches, no fissures because we have time without seeing each other or calling each other: when we meet again, we love each other and celebrate friendship as always.

It is true that I have friends with whom I have differences and although it pains me to admit it, I try, consciously, that these differences do not appear and put sour “the cake”. I am a person who gets worn out by arguments, bad faces, heavy energies, especially if it is over unimportant, trivial, unimportant issues. Maybe that's why loneliness is one of my favorite companions.

I have never had Facebook and I don't understand “requesting friendship”. Friendship for me is something else, it grows and develops in another way.

Just as the one who has little and knows that this little is enough to live, so am I with my few friendships: this handful of angels are enough to save me and to make my life, and I'm sure theirs too, more flowery and more livable.

The images are from my personal gallery and the text was translated with Deepl

Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends

 6 days ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

Thank you very much for your support. Abundance and well-being for all! Greetings

Quality over quantity really makes all the difference. True friends are like rare gems—few but priceless. 💛

Exactly. There is no point in boasting about having many friends, if in the end, they are not true. Greetings and thanks for commenting

My mentality shifted from little to more relationships at a time because I felt that was the way to go but it never worked for me so I had to return to my root of keeping it simple with not just my possessions and thoughts, my relationship needs it too.

The transition happened swiftly and life became a lot better. Less friends, less problems, more time to nurture the genuine relationships.

That's true: sometimes we get lost in shallow, relationships and a true friendship means to be, to know, to accompany. Thank you for your comment

I've always been one to have a small circle of friends too. Social media has harmed us in a lot of ways but it's really distorted and harmed interpersonal relationships. We get to know some people in ways that we wish we hadn't sometimes on platforms like Facebook. Also the brief, shallow, interactions we have with them online have almost completely replaced the face-to-face time we used to have together. I wish you a great week Nancy!

I agree with you, Eric! Networks can be good for exchanging ideas, opinions, but they can never replace the contact and closeness that exists in a friendly relationship. A hug