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RE: A Typical Essentials Shopping Day

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

I am home alone with my pets as well. And I think every day is the same. Any day is a good day to celebrate whatever we want to celebrate... hahaha... to be healthy, for example, or to have energy and be happy even with the sunrise. Today my friends Eddy and Mary (eddyss and mdrguez) were here and we had a nice time, with a cup of coffee. We talked about our successes in the year and everything we can do to improve. That's great for me and made me happy.
And my neighbour invited me to have dinner with her and her family a while ago. I had planned to make some spaghetti with tuna for myself and bought some goodies. The plans changed, as you can see ;)

 2 months ago  

It's good that you have good friends and neighbours, and also good that you're flexible.

I think every day is the same. Any day is a good day to celebrate whatever we want to celebrate.

I agree!

I don't have any pets with me on the boat, but I have the wildlife. I feed the swans and ducks when they come around:)