
Why? Are you staging a kidnap?😂

LMAO. Okay, I didn't know that would feel personal to you. When I was in school I used to talk about the school I'm in freely. But it's alright, if that's an info you're not so comfortable about letting out.

Eiii, Slow down Savannah. I was only pulling your legs. It's no big deal.😂
I go to University of Uyo.

LOL. Could never have told it was a joke. Alright, then. Cool. I was suspecting UNN.

Lol. Probably not used to my jokes. Why UNN?

It was just a suspicion. Also I'm visiting UNN soon, so my mind must've been rooting for the coincidence that you'd be there and we'd see.

Hehe. You were projecting, I see. Is it okay to ask why you're visiting UNN?