So this is one of my all time favourite projects and initiatives.
It's fascinating, really. But my kids say I'm a nerd! (I admit I'm a nerd - TruthIsImportant ❤ )
I'd have to ask WHY these countries, listed on the top of The World Happiness Index are listed at the top?
I'd look at the social structures and government; at the safety; at the opportunity; and the cost of living; which would be impacted by the social services.
Any other notes anybody else wants to add most welcome. Always 🙂
Snapshot of 2023 table in the comments for you.
#FindingHappiness #NotSpiritual #NotReligious #NotPhilosophical #JamesHillman
I'm finding the Leo Threads character count is too minimal, 😁 for me to keep my Hive buddies up to speed, on the free info being shared around the internet of amazing things for fellow humans who may also be seeking some possible answers.
So I'll just blog along over here instead then.
Hmmmmm... to answer the latest prompt on The Minimalist Community, I'm simply going to share more conversation and authentic connection with some fellow travellers, over these last few days.
And I'm going to suggest that every random act of kindness and moment of authentic connection benefits the human being who is "doing" the good deed as well.
It's not complicated, really.
It's simply impossible for the singular to not affect the whole.
This is delusional, in my opinionated opinion. And, with some conversation, I'd be more than happy to discuss why. Or to re-assess my opinionated opinion because always learning every day.
I'm also getting kind of bored of repeating myself tbh. I do want to move on to new projects but, as "they" say, we humans can only see and hear what we are ready to see and hear.
And we are only open to progress and change when we are ready to "see" things beyond our own subjective experience and perspective.
You can "see" things far more clearly when you've dug around in your own unconscious prejudice and bias, and had a good look at your own "Shadow", btw.
This is an ongoing learning curve as well.
We all have this stuff to unpack and we all "see Truth" far more clearly when we get ourselves out of the way.
But we just don't wanna deal with all that yucky, gritty stuff that we think doesn't impact us directly.
Do we?
I mean... yuck, right?!
#Denial #Projection #ShadowWork #Jung
I, for one, am far too busy, and far too broke, to waste time trying to help folks who don't want my help, btw.
This is important if you want to be out there doing good deeds. I'd strongly suggest anyone who is trying to do good deeds, or volunteering, restricts their time and energy and focuses on where it is welcomed and appreciated.
And Respected. Of course 💜
There is so much work to be done out there, that it's best to be "awake" and accept things as they are so that you don't get burnt out.
Or even hurt.
*Especially if you are an Empath Co-dependent.
Because you could destroy your own progress and health.
Because we stopped and talked a bit
A comment from a someone who has a marvelous brain and who most certainly isn't afraid of conversation:
It's both depending on what perspective you choose to take
Perception is a chaotic thing, parties involved never get settled on what's right as both are right in their senses. What a mess it is! Staying neutral might be better, either everybody wins or loses. How's that?
Me being me:
Hmmmm... nah.
Then the shitheads keep being shitheads.
And we ALL lose, really.
this can't be avoided.
One impacts one person, impacts a whole community, society and the world.
Really. It does. #thebigpicture
I do wish we humans would wake up and understand this already? 🙄
It's not the "isms" that are the real problem, you see.
It's the behaviour.
I'll demonstrate this better in the book I'd like to write some day. Because it's complicated. Yet so very simple!
But basically... the only thing that is "right" is "truth".
And anything we avoid getting involved in that isn't "right" - even by ignoring it - ends up in pain and chaos and acrimony.
You can't fix anything by avoiding it.
You can't come to mutual compromise by avoiding conversation. And pretending things are fine creates more acrimony in the long run.
The basics 👆
#aweh #awehness #theelephantintheroom
If you stay neutral when harm is occurring you enable and perpetuate. So nope. Sadly.
Neutrality is avoidance.
I would say keep your feelings neutral while things are addressed! :D Then you can avoid acrimony and, possibly, find solutions.
Added: Because #SystemicRacismExists #SystemicAbuseExists #WeAreTheSystem #WeAreAllResponsible
A Post from The Facebook:
Yeah I have to use the darned thing because #EducationIsTheBestFormOfResistance
The FB Post
"Principles before Personalities"
This is one of the keepers from the many great 12 Step suggestions.
Really. It's that simple.
We all make mistakes. We are all only human. There is no shame in this. No embarrassment at all. It's unavoidable, in fact, because failing and making mistakes is how we often learn best...
by learning what doesn't work ❤
Yet shame and embarrassment often prevent us from acknowledging our mistakes and, thus, learning and not (hopefully) repeating them.
And we also, then, have sit with ourselves when we have done summink not so lekker. Not so fun! In fact, many folks may use mind-altering substances, to try and avoid themselves, to manage the guilt and shame. And self-loathing.
More... they may feel that they don't deserve to be happy, and sabotage their own happiness as a result. Subconsciously.
There is no real personal-growth or recovery possible unless we understand that our shame and embarrassment is unnecessary.
When we are able to accept ourselves and our mistakes as simply human error... we can fix 'em and not repeat them.
This is proper recovery.
This is authentic personal growth.
#NoBigDeal #ButAvoidanceCanKillPeople
#ReligiousAndSpiritual #AndRationalAndLogical
#ItsNotYourFault #SystemicRacismExists #SystemicAbuseExists
Another FB Post: because I'm catching up what we've talked about on HIve for the last - could it possibly be almost two years?!
Of course it's kinda important to fix anything you lost or broke while you didn't know any better, yet.
Or that shit's gonna haunt you as well.
Someone further along the path suggested this to me. Must say it totally changed my life for the better. #LevelUp
But I did this anyway. This was simply more confirmation that I'm not a total ass. Mostly.
Such as:
If you got drunk and bumped that special vase over, at your friend's home, it may be a good idea to replace it as a part of your levelling up.
Or if you borrowed that book from your friend and lost it, it's probably decent of you to replace it. #CommonCurteousy #MoreLogic
Or if you spread misinformation about that person accidentally, go back and fix it. #GossipCausesCancer #HarassmentIsPersonal
#AndBuildTrustAllOver #AndRespect
I, personally, don't hang around individuals or communities, for too long, if they aren't responsible, by the way. Or accountable. I mean... realistically the same mistakes are going to be made again and again then. #MoreLogicStill
#ThisBecomesDangerous #WillfulIgnoranceIsDangerous #IntentionalDishonestyIsDangerous
#LowEmpathy #ThesePeopleScareMe
Yes. I avoid groups and humans who pretend nothing has happened and that they haven't done anything wrong, if they hurt me - even accidentally - because... well... see above.
If we don't own our mistakes we don't learn. And we repeat them again and again. #ThatsDangerousToEngageWith
Ah... and it's suggested that you stop blaming anyone around you and focus on your stuff and your part in things. This one is incredibly interesting to practice...
More to follow for sure!
Yeah I'm now sharing this live as well for other folks to catch up. But it's more succinct in shorter form so I'll stick it up here as well, because we all know I get a bit wordy around here and I wanna stay in touch with some good humans on Hive anyway.
😊Moving forward with #ThisIsPerfect #IAmReady
Another post from FB:
"Peace de Resistance" 🙂
#misunderstandinggotcancelled #justask #assumptionscanhurtpeople #anddontgossipffs #flyingmonkeys
#ilostmyfacebecauseofassumptionsandgossip #allgoodigetit
And finally:
The difference between an accident and not an accident is
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer
Beyond fear is freedom
And there is nothing to be afraid of.
To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee
That's a keen priority of a minimalist.💯
![small KISS Gif.gif](
I enjoyed it 😉 Thanks for your #KISS
lips sealed
'Tis indeed.
Hope things are getting smoother for you, angel.
Hang in there if not. Everything passes ❤️
!LADYThreads are limited to 240 characters if you don’t use Premium (I don’t), but you can also do a #threadcast or #threadstorm (not sure what’s the difference 😉) and reply to the initial thread (1/🧵) by numbering your next threds (2/🧵 and so on). Always good go catch some extra Leo tokens 😁
Oh! I didn't think of that!
That could work really well :) Thanks for the info <3
My pleasure sis 💙
Leothreads is a lovely innovation but rather awkward working on my phone😂.
You seem to be writing more frequently Miss😀✨
Hmmmm... no. Not finding much time to write as consistently as I'd like to. Yet
But all good as am busy progressing nonetheless. In other areas. That need seeing to! :)
Yes it is difficult on mobile. Sure they'll develop an app at some stage
They really should.
Would love to engage in my laptop, but the way that stuff sucks up internet is depressing too..
Eh... we couldn't even watch anything or play anything online last night either :| They say a person's true nature is revealed when the internet is slow 😂
Posted via D.Buzz
I also just discovered :)
It's pretty light and fast. Let me know what you think?
Posted via D.Buzz
I love dbuzz...
It's a pretty cool frontend for replies and short meme posts 😀
It is though :) Happy I found it!