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RE: Kiss 91;Travelling For Healing.How Far will I Go? ||Mood Stabilising ||

in The MINIMALISTlast year

Much better! :)

Um... next time please don't double up content! 😬 Folks may assume you're being lazy and I know you're not!

You can cross post in commmunities but some folks do and some folks think it's uncool. Maybe check the community guidelines?

And use tags so that community admin and members can find you in searches.

You'll find them on the prompts :) #kiss for example. And it's good to mention in the post that you're writing for the prompt, I think. It gives the community some nice promotion.

For a New Bee your posts are solid. #justsayin' you have a lot of potential so be patient and keep learning and growing <3


Thanks,imma be aware next time🙏🙏🙏