Wow, that's a lot of languages! And lots of places too! 😲
And it's not surprising practicing French revived German knowledge, they have the same root after all! I wanted to learn German too as my 4th language, alongside French, but later decided against it, not to mix it up all! Although I had no idea Philipino was connected to French. That is curious indeed!
Being bilingual is quite fun I'd say. You notice things a bit differently depending on the language and sometimes think differently in two languages. Some emotions are better expressed in a particular language. It's like having your arsenal of expressions grown into a bulkier one. If you can manage the time, make a plan, go for it! 😇
Haha! No, there was no connection between the two languages. I think my mind was just playing games with me. What I find, is that whichever new language I start learning, the knowledge of the last one just resurfaces.
I like that expression, it's so true. ✅