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RE: Chuck T's and Black Jeans: A Minimal Winter Wardrobe

in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

OK I'm a little behind here. I've heard you talking about the UK, but I thought it would be for a visit. This makes it seem more long term, What are you going to the UK for and when?

I love me some black jeans and sneakers too. I feel sexy and strong in that combo. I used to buy Camper sneakers, because they were so wonderfully wide, but they've changed that to shoes that are too narrow for my feet. Maybe it's time I had a pair of Chuck T's.


I feel sexy and strong in that combo

Very important at our age!

We're headed over maybe Feb and staying for six months to a year, not sure yet - we'll see how it goes and how the money lasts!

And...why? Just for kicks?

Well, yeah, an adventure. But also Jamie's homesick and misses his Mum and sister, and we both miss the northern hemisphere.

Oh lovely. I'm glad you're both able to go.