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RE: Minimalism, Aestheticism, and the Pursuit of a Home That Reflects Me

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago (edited)

Oh, I'm with you, I like the aspirational content of this sort where it's more about cleaning and such. Do you follow Nami on YouTube (

I am in the middle between minimalist and maximalist, in that I very much have the patchwork reuse aesthetic, I like seeing colorful, beautiful things around my home and I don't like plain beige and empty walls, but I don't want a lot of stuff, if that makes sense. I live in a small one bedroom apartment (~52sqm) and I don't want it to be taken over with stuff, but I do like to SEE the things that make me happy. I call myself the Reformed Hoarder because I've had to learn to get rid of things, and it makes me very happy the progress I've made. An actual minimalist would never call me minimalist, but compared to where I was, it's a big change. And an actual maximalist who is collecting things wouldn't call me a maximalist because I don't want to add more and more, but I do have things all around. LOL

PS I love your curtains!


I don't follow Nami on youtube but because you showed me her page, now I do. I think it's fine to match whatever is needed for your comfort. I can see how small space can feel cluttered fast, I used to live in 6sqr and that was so tiny. It's also why living minimal is my go-to and that also goes when I am now living in much bigger space.

Thank you for loving the curtain, they do look great and somehow looks cozy as well 😊

6 square meters? Or am I misunderstanding that? 😮

yeah, I used to live in 3x3 room 😄 now I live in 200sqm house

Oh my goodness, that room is tiny! No wonder you developed a minimalist aesthetic.