My Style is a Reflection of My Personality

in The MINIMALIST10 days ago (edited)
Have you ever worn a corset dress before? Especially that of a lace fabric? It is the most uncomfortable clothes anyone can ever wear. Such clothes are not worn casually, it’s either for marriage, a photo shoot, or a ball dance. The kind of discomfort I feel whenever I wear clothes that are out of my style can be compared to a feeling anyone has while wearing a corset.

On a friend's wedding. The discomfort was real.

As a minimalist, I consider simplicity and comfort first before any other elements of fashion. A quality dress does not make sense to me if I’m not comfortable in it, the same goes for shoes and jewelry.

There is this shirt I purchased last year in December at a thrift store, it was very cheap. When I looked at the quality and played the image of how I love to dress in my head, I knew it was a perfect shirt made just for me.
The first day I wore it to school, I got most of my colleagues calling me a rich kid. It was funny because that shirt was far from the price they guessed in their head. But I was happy anyway because whosoever wears clothes and wears them comfortably with confidence adds value to the clothes.

My style reflects my personality and the messages I want to communicate to the world. Most of the time people I just met for the first time understand, compliment, and describe me with the perfect words that suit who I am. I guess that is what happens when your style compliments your personality. Even strangers will treat you the way you love to be treated without you saying anything.

I am a calm and interesting person who loves comfort. My wardrobe consists mostly of flowery dresses, shirts, basic tops, and cargo pants. It reflects three things—comfort, quality, and femininity.
Cargo pants are my most worn because of how free it is, I don’t look around when I want to jump on a bike or enter any public transport. It doesn’t restrict my movement in any way and unlike tight jeans, permits my skin to breathe freely.

I’m not the type that follows trends blindly, and I don't shop on impulse. I think about who I am before buying any clothes, or shoes or choosing a hairstyle. Will I be shy of wearing it? Will it look good on me? Will I be comfortable wearing it or will it steal my confidence?
I don’t buy clothes because everybody is buying or because I want to look hot and impress certain people. My style is what I like, not what others like. I love to own what I’m wearing and feel comfortable in my own skin.

I mean…what is that thing with adjusting your clothes all the time, or wriggling your toes because they are hurting inside your sophisticated shoes? And what are those unsteady steps on a stiletto? Why look around to see if people have noticed how uncomfortable you are in your crop top?

I once read somewhere that confidence is an accessory that must not be left out in our outfit, I couldn't agree less with the writer.

Style is a personal thing. It reflects one's unique personality and preferences. I love to show people who I am and what I like rather than tell them. And my physical appearance is not exempted from this mission.

Thank you for reading me. And happy weekend!

 10 days ago  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.