in The MINIMALIST2 years ago

Hi peeps

Here I am, talking about the very few things I can take if I had no choice but to choose between my stuffs or if I have to get up and run away from home😂. No one's going anywhere, relax.

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I, literally, mom over my belongings. It sounds ridiculous as I write about it. I see myself as the mother figure for all I own. I mean, if I don’t take care of them, who will? There are times I scold my clothes. This one time, I wanted to take a walk and get some things I needed, so I picked up a polo I had washed carefully, folded, and kept in my cloth bag. Just then, I noticed a stain I hadn’t seen previously. I was furious. I loved that polo. What I did was that I scolded it so bad. Like, “why would you let yourself get stained?” “What was I supposed to do now that I want to wear you out?” “I won’t forgive you if this stain doesn’t wash off!”. I know, crazy!

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I do love everything I own but there are some things I just cannot live without. Let me share them with you. The first on my list is…

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  • My laptop

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I call it "my baby”. My laptop is my life. My whole world revolves around it. I have come to love and appreciate all things virtual. So, I have ongoing online classes, virtual meetings, my dearest hive blog, and other activities that depend so much on this baby. I’m sure y’all will agree now that I’d be dead meat without it. So, no! there’s no living without it.

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  • My phone

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My phone is very dear to my heart. It is so handy. Everyone can relate to this. There are times I may not be able to strap a laptop along, I’m too lazy to boot it or it’s a little inconvenient to use a laptop and my phone comes in handy. It’s the last thing I see and hold before going to bed. I keep myself entertained with it. Ah! The joy a phone gives. There’s just no way I’d part with it. What would happen to my contacts? Or my eBooks? Or my girlie apps? Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll stick with it.

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  • ATM Cards

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Well, well, well! Having your ATM Cards is like walking around with your entire life. I mean, you have to agree because your money has a lot to do with your life. I just love that it can fit in my purse so before I’m asked to leave it behind, it’s already breathing inside my purse. Plus, a girl's gotta eat!
You know the thing about having money? You can always get what you want. That means I can get new shoes, clothes, bags, shawarma, and all the things I want so, yes! There’s no parting with it.

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  • My Documents

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There’s no way I’m going back to elementary or high school, and no sir, I do not want to repeat tertiary education. I also do not want to stand in endless queues trying to recover IDs or certificates. So, I think I better strap my documents everywhere I’m going.

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  • My favorite Underwear

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This is embarrassing but I’ve thought hard and long, and there’s really nothing else I can think of. Let me tell you, whenever I’m on this underwear, I walk like the whole world is bowing to me. Like a damn princess! This is a serious issue. I don’t know how something that can’t be seen gives me so much confidence. I know I can always get another but I also know we all have that one piece of clothing that complements you more than the rest, and you’d rather not give up. I’ve made up my mind and I’m taking it along. Period!

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The 5 (five) items are more functional than emotional, except the underwear, anyway😉. With these five things, I think I might just be able to survive this world. I mean, a girl can try.


Excellent participation...I really enjoyed your list of important items in your life...thanks for sharing.


 2 years ago  

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Thanks for your #KISS, I enjoyed it 😉

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speaking lips

I'm glad you did, @millycf1976.
Thank you